It's not like that; it is exactly that

We are occupied by a hostile enemy out to destroy us and our democracy.


Zalensky, Putin and TrumPutin

The facts are Putin will violate on any deal. Same with TrumPutin's long history of not paying those who worked for him or keeping promises he made to get elected. Zalensky must not trust either of them for any deal. The EU and NATO are the only viable choices for protecting Ukraine and preserving democracy in that area. 


A dose of reality with Senator Slotkin

She provided the Dem response to the State of the Union. This clip provides the facts on TrumPutin's huge tax break to corporations and the rich. To pay for it consumer prices will go up with tariffs, farmers and manufacturers will suffer because of it, drug prices will increase, premiums will go up on health insurance and the national debt will drastically increase. Plus he'll cut Social Security, Medicare and veteran's benefits to pay for it. Don't buy his lies; this is the reality.

Public protest works

It's why TrumPutin threatened to defund universities that allow it. This study should encourage you to participate in them, as it doesn't take much for your voice to actually matter.

"It takes around 3.5% of the population actively participating in the protests to ensure serious political change." 

Borowitz: TrumPutin sets record for fact-free SOTU

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In what is being called a historic performance, on Tuesday night Donald J. Trump set a new world record for delivering the longest speech that did not include a single fact.

Congressional Republicans were awestruck by their leader’s ability, at the age of 78, to give such a sustained fact-free oration.

“To stand up there for 99 minutes and not accidentally slip up even once by saying something true?” House Speaker Mike Johnson said. “He’s still got it.”

Republicans contrasted Trump’s address favorably with the Democratic response of Sen. Elissa Slotkin, who spoke only briefly but whose remarks were riddled with facts.

Extreme Corp rules against TrumPutin

A bit surprising but we'll take it. They ruled 5-4 to leave in place the District Judge's restraining order suspending the spending freeze on foreign aid. The judge will consider a more lasting order and how and when to disburse the money owed to the recipients of that aid. Roberts and Coney Barrett joined the liberals on the vote.

DOGE is inefficient and should be cut

As usual, it is itself guilty of fraud, waste and abuse it projects onto others. This article fact checks their receipts, which are pretty much smoke and mirrors propaganda. To be expected of course from the Biggest Liar and Ripoff in the history of the world.

"In its latest update to its 'Savings' page, DOGE continued to update -- and in some cases delete -- contracts that it had previously listed as having saved up to billions of dollars in federal funds, after media outlets, experts and others publicly questioned details of the contracts."

Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

Here are about a dozen songs I've recorded at YouTube.* And this link is to my lyrics and poems folder at Google docs, mostly from my ...