They're not just kissing it

"They're eating the shit!"

The mean meaning crisis if it ignores this


Mika defends Trump

She's splitting hairs here in order to kiss Trump's ass. Morning Joe has surrendered to being a collaborator in the coming fascism to save their own skin.

Colbert's deleted scenes from Severance

He replayed them last night on his show featuring Ben Stiller talking about season two opening soon.

Rod Serling foreshadows TrumPutinism

When reality becomes more frightening than The Twilight Zone and we re-enter the Dark Ages.

Not funny


The consequences of a 'peaceful love fest'

Only a severely warped mind, or worse an evil one, can interpret it that way.


Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

Here are about a dozen songs I've recorded at YouTube.* And this link is to my lyrics and poems folder at Google docs, mostly from my ...