Hartmann: If we don't want another Twitler

In his FB post today he reiterated that the Repug Party has gone fascist. Some of them have openly supported Twit's pleas for legislatures to overturn the vote of the people and give the electors to Twit. Fortunately Republican legislatures in MI, PA, WI and AZ have said they would not corrupt the system like this. So how does the Repug Party respond? By threatening to primary those who would not comply with their fascist demands. Thom recommends that we must eliminate the Electoral College to take away any advantage for the next fascist the Repugs plan to install.

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Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

Here are about a dozen songs I've recorded at YouTube.* And this link is to my lyrics and poems folder at Google docs, mostly from my ...