The most progressive countries in world

The following is my response to Hanzi Freinacht's recent FB post.

Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems social liberalism 2.0 requires that societies like the Nordic need to be the most 'progressive' or social liberalism 1.0 as prerequisite. So why then are some so determined to jump to 2.0 when their society is far from 1.0? It seems we first need to get up to speed with 1.0 to set the necessary conditions for 2.0 to be enacted.
Specially in the US, it seems we were much closer to 1.0 during the FDR era. That continued up to the Reagan era when we started to regress, when the oligarchy became predominant and our government subservient to it. Hence the likes of Bernie Sanders and AOC are a move to return to that sort of social liberalism. Though they have to challenge not only the Republican Party but the corrupt establishment in their own Party. The latter has been evident for some time but slowly progressives like them are making electoral advancements adding to the Congressional Progressive Caucus with each election. If that trend continues then they will have a majority soon at least in the House.
In practical terms then it appears the US needs to focus on getting back to 1.0 in order to set the preconditions necessary to move into 2.0 and we're working on it. But overeager idealists think we can somehow just jump to 2.0 and ignore the necessary preconditions. And some think returning to and establishing a strong 1.0 progressive base is a regression, or worse some negative form of socialism and to be shunned. They think we need to be 'post-progressive' before we are even progressive again. We need to get over all this 'post' talk, which is more like impractical pipe dreams evaporating like smoke into the void. 


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Songs, lyrics, poems

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