Over-complexifying is the problem

Sirota gives a history lesson on complexity and the Democrats. They went from a Party protecting labor with simple framing on fairness and universalism with programs like social security, Medicare and public education to fetishizing " best-and-brightest technocrats and business neoliberals whose obsession with hair-splitting precision and corporate fealty ended up fetishizing ever-more complex means testing while largely accepting tax inequity."* This resulted in a "byzantine maze of complexity, paperwork and bureaucracy" that threw universal fairness out the window and let white collar and corporate criminals off the hook. It's a stark lesson that complexity is far from the answer to everything. And in many cases it makes real-life situations far worse when simple solutions could do the job equitably. It's a lesson elite Democrats (and so-called evolutionaries) should learn but cannot given their obsessive worship of the ever spiraling shibboleth of complexity.

*Thomas Frank made a similar argument about over-complexifying in his book Listen Liberal.

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Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

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