Shahid on pushing Biden progressive

From an interview with Waleed Shahid of Justice Democrats at Democracy Now. While we certainly need unity in our country that in no way means compromising with the Repugnacon Party, which has amply demonstrated they have no intention of working with us to improve conditions for we the people. To that end we progressives will need to constantly pressure Biden to enact progressive legislation, and to direct his impulses for unity in that direction and away from the Party whose only mission is to obstruct that goal.

 "Joe Biden really could be known historically as one of the most transformative presidents in American history, like a Lincoln, like an FDR, like an LBJ. But it will take an immense amount of pressure on Joe Biden, on the political system, on the political class for him to get there, because Joe Biden has never been that kind of transformative figure throughout his political history. He’s been more of a centrist who kind of, you know, puts his finger in the air and tries to figure out where the direction of the country is going."

"It is a time for Joe Biden to deliver results for the multiracial majority that delivered the presidency to him, and not co-govern with Mitch McConnell or his insurrectionist Republican Party, that has done whatever it can to enshrine minority rule in this country. [...] I think there are many people around Joe Biden who have learned some of the lessons from the Obama administration, that they should not spend many hours, many days, many weeks inviting moderate Republicans to the White House to waste their time negotiating over key parts of the Democratic legislative agenda. That is a complete waste of everyone’s time."

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