Cenk on the wage hike taken out of Reconciliation Bill

He reiterates the same points I've been talking about the last few days. The Parliamentarian has no power to take it out, it's the Senate's Presiding Officer, Harris, who makes the decision. And yet the Democrats are giving up without a fight. Even Bernie is using it as an excuse to remove it from the Bill, as that is within his power at Chairman of the Budget Committee.  Cenk recommends four steps to challenge this. 

1. Pressure Bernie to keep it in the Bill and force a vote fight. Go to this address to sign the petition: https://tyt.com/petitions/dontkillitbernie.
2. If it stays in than the Presiding Officer, Harris, will have to decide. So next we pressure her.
3. If by some miracle she does then a Repug has to make an objection, which will require 60 votes to overrule Harris.
4. However, Moscow Mitch could then ask for a majority vote to break the filibuster in step 3. This would force all the Repugs, including Dems Manchin and Sinema, to break their vow to retain the filibuster showing that they are shallow hypocrites.

Doing these steps then put the opponents of the wage hike on the defensive and forces their hand, and if they cave and kill the filibuster it's the long-term win where we have a much better chance of passing not only the minimum wage but a host of other progressive policies on a majority vote. If the Repugs don't challenge our filibuster and let it remain in the Bill we might lose anyway if Manchin and Sinema choose to vote against the whole Bill. But standing strong and using every tool to fight for we the people will only strengthen our resolve to keep voting for them. If they fail to take any of the above steps then once again we the people know their words are empty, that they won't fight for us, and they lose our votes. It's up to we the people now to write and call in masses to apply the pressure. Let them know they fight for us or we don't fight for them.

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