Bruce Alderman: Secular spirituality

Join us via Zoom Saturday April 24, 10am MT for the Humanist Society of NM Speaker Meeting.

BRUCE ALDERMAN is an affiliate faculty at the John F Kennedy School of Psychology, and teaches courses on integral psychology, consciousness studies, living systems theory, and philosophy. He has published several papers in anthologies on meta-theory and integrative philosophy, and is currently co-authoring a book on postmetaphysical spirituality. He also runs a YouTube channel called The Integral Stage, which is dedicated to exploring many of the topics and crises of our age from an integral, postmetaphysical perspective.

Nietzsche once described human beings as the "ascetic species" -- by which he meant, the practicing species. Many animals practice through play, in their infancies, to acquire basic physical and hunting skills; but humans take this farther, and for many of us -- our athletes, artists, scientists, philosophers and contemplatives -- the deliberate path of self-transcendence through practice becomes a way of life. Can we understand spirituality in this sense? Not as the outgrowth of outmoded metaphysics or conceptions of God, but as a life of practice, as a means of responding to the "vertical tension" that drives us to move ever beyond the horizon of our present capacities and knowledge? In this brief talk, I will explore the possibilities of a postmetaphysical spirituality -- as a way of living through which we strive for greater coherence, deepened relationship and understanding, and a set of commitments that treats the rare feat of life itself -- on this remote and lonely planet -- as that which most deserves the label of "sacred."
Time: Apr 24, 2021 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 980 0312 8605
Passcode: 571112 

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