Business Roundtable fighting increased corp tax rate

Sirota's post today highlights that the Roundtable, made up of corporate CEOs, are going on an ad blitz against the tax raise Biden proposed to pay for the infrastructure bill. And of course they're using the tired old lie that it will curtail business. The real reason is that it ever so slightly MIGHT cut into CEO pay. And even that is doubtful since some of the corps under current tax law paid nothing in taxes using loopholes which will remain in place. 

Note that all that tax savings is not invested in workers. Aside from further enriching the already rich it's used to further buy legislators to maintain the laws that benefit them. And to further increase their power and control over government a la corporate fascism. Don't buy for one second that they care about voter suppression laws, as this latest example further adds to the evidence they have only one concern. Greed is literally a sickness and it's killing our society.

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Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

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