If corporate media is praising you then something's wrong

Which is what's happening now with progressives. They've decided that going along to get along with the establishment in their Party is somehow going to win them points to enact their priorities. Yet they've also decided to not pursue using their voting block to pressure the establishment to include their priorities in Bills. And corporate media is praising them for being sensible, that it's how to get things done. True, but what things? Establishment priorities, that's what things. 

And weirder still, some progressive citizens are buying into this surrender too, that it's just how things work. But again, for whom? The fact that corporate media is going along with this tells those of us who have not been hoodwinked not only by that media but the apologetic progressive spin coming out of Congress is that we are being played. Part of the spin is that we the people are to blame for sabotaging Party unity and progressive legislation. Seriously? 

It's a masterful and well funded campaign of propaganda to further reduce what actual progressive priorities we can ever hope to get enacted. Fortunately some of us aren't fooled, but unfortunately some of our comrades are drinking the Kool-Aid and buying our Party's own Big Lie with the aid of our well-meaning but ineffective heroes in Congress.

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Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

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