The corporate shill game on voter suppression

Yes, lots of corps signed a letter opposing voter suppression laws. But it's far more likely that they're doing it to develop their young customer base. The very basic premise of corps is to buy government officials to get tax breaks and dominate markets, as in corporate fascism. But they want their fascist takeover to be behind the scenes, not exposed like it is in the voter suppression laws. So they play this game to pretend they're on the side of voters but really they don't care one bit about them. Aside from their money, that is.

Watch to see how many of these corps actually pull their money out of Repug campaigns. Or if some do overtly you can bet they'll put in back in through dark money orgs that don't have to disclose their donors. It's a shill game, nothing more.

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Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

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