Biden's budget abandons progressive policies

Some examples: No public healthcare option; no prescription drug cost cuts; no cancelling student loan debt; no increasing the estate tax; no lowering the Medicare eligibility age. 

TYT has a valid point in that Biden is still hooked on the ridiculous notion that he has to water down his own proposals in order to get some Repug support. When the fact is he will never get ANY Repug support so why not instead just make good on your campaign promises and do the right thing? It's truly baffling.

They also make the valid point that the budget is a must-pass case so the progressives once again have the voting block veto power to re-insert those progressive agenda items. But will they? Given their past surrenders TYT doesn't think they have it in them. I'm doubting it too. Just grumbling about it on Twitter or TV is hollow and weak.

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Songs, lyrics, poems

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