Hartmann: It is happening here

And at this point it is a political war of words and legislation. But the white supremacist groups, with incessant Repug rhetorical incitement, are preparing for a physical war of weapons. If we don't win this war of words the violent racists will take their Jan. 6 insurrection to the next step with Repug Party backing. 

Yes, it is that serious. And the complacent Dems who blithely ignore it are contributing to its inevitability if the don't wake the f___ up and join in the war of words and political actions before it's too late. And that means the Senate filibuster must go and we must pass the For the People Act. If we do not then it is indeed too late.

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Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

Here are about a dozen songs I've recorded at YouTube.* And this link is to my lyrics and poems folder at Google docs, mostly from my ...