Fact check on 'gain-of-function' research and controversy

Here is their first article dated 5/11/21. Here is their 6/25/21 update. There is a lot of specific detail in both so I suggest reading them. In both articles the definition of gain-of-function is "modifications that aim to make a virus more dangerous or infectious to study potential disease pathways." And there is no proof that is what occurred. Nor is gain-of-function in the EcoHealth grant received by the NIH. Shi, who heads the Wuhan lab, said "her lab had never conducted experiments 'that enhance the virulence of viruses.'"

So Rand Paul and the paranoids are speculating at best in this scenario. And worse, using the speculation to intentionally create doubt about the virus' origins to downplay the vaccines as part of the same apparent corrupt process. As usual, prove your claims or STFU. To date there is zero proof so one has to question the claims and their motivation instead.

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Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

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