Reich on Dem Party corruption

The following are excerpts from his FB post. Progressives have proven that candidates DO NOT need big money to finance their campaigns. If you truly represent we the people then our small dollar donations in massive numbers can counter those of big money. But to get we the people to donate to you then you have to represent us, not big money. Since they haven't learned this lesson the only conclusion we can draw is that they're happy with being bought and paid for by big money and don't give a flying shit about we the people.

"Yet while Biden and Democratic leaders are openly negotiating with holdout senators for Biden’s stimulus and infrastructure proposals, they aren’t exerting similar pressure when it comes to voting rights and elections. In fact, Biden now says he won’t take on the filibuster, which stands firmly in the way. What gives? Part of the explanation, I think, lies with an outside group that has almost as much influence on the Democratic Party as on the Republicans, and which isn’t particularly enthusiastic about election reform: the moneyed interests bankrolling both parties."
"The Democrats’ proposed For the People Act admirably takes on both parts of the coalition. It sets minimum national standards for voting, and it seeks to get big money out of politics through public financing of election campaigns. Yet this comprehensiveness may explain why the Act is now stalled in the Senate. Biden and Democratic leaders are firmly against white supremacists but are not impervious to the wishes of wealth supremacists. After all, to win elections they need likely Democrats to vote but also need big money to finance their campaigns."

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