Sirota interview on what's necessary

They discuss how it's imperative that progressives use the power of their veto to force issues. The Repugs do it all the time. They're willing to sabotage any and everything to cater to their corporate masters. And so are the establishment Dem Party. So if we the people are to have any chance of getting any policy that supports the working class then progressives must hold the line. 

Now we have them threatening to do that with the two different infrastructure Bills but when push comes to shove, and it will, will they follow through? And even far more importantly, why aren't they doing this with every piece of Biden's agenda unless he stands strong for ending the filibuster? It wasn't even mentioned in his latest speech. If that's not done then nothing is going to get past the Senate and all of his proposals are dead on arrival. Withholding their votes is right now their only leverage over Biden. And their only leverage over Repug obstruction is to eliminate the filibuster. Now is the time to fight like hell for democracy because otherwise we will have lost it.

Sirota sums it all up: "They don't want to do the right thing enough to use the tactics necessary. And that is essentially the epitaph of the Democratic Party. And it the era of climate change it may be the epitaph of human civilization" (53:38).

We the people have a choice. We can either continually motivate our progressive politicians to fight for us or we can make excuses and surrender to the status quo and let fascism take over our country. We must hold our progressive reps' feet to the fire because otherwise literal fires are burning down our lives. There is no more time left for debate or discussion. We need action now or it's game over. And the number one priority to saving democracy and our planet is the elimination of the filibuster. Without doing that we get nowhere on anything.

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Songs, lyrics, poems

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