Study: Elevated glucose levels correlated with COVID severity

From this Frontiers in Public Health study (7/28/21):

"The machine-driven framework we developed repeatedly pointed to elevated blood glucose as a key facilitator in the progression of COVID-19. Indeed, when we systematically retraced the steps of the SARS-CoV-2 infection, we found evidence linking elevated glucose to each major step of the life-cycle of the virus, progression of the disease, and presentation of symptoms." 

"Controlling glucose levels could therefore reduce the severity of the disease and consequently also the mortality rate. [...]  The mortality rate is lower among diabetic patients where glycemia is well-controlled and recent studies show that patients with uncontrolled hyperglycemia or newly diagnosed DM (i.e., untreated) are even more at risk than those with known DM (i.e., treated)."

"According to the hypothesis that well-controlled glycemia is critical for determining the outcome of COVID-19, the most standard strategy is to use glucose lowering drugs, widely available and low cost. [...] According to the literature reviewed, metformin may be an effective glucose-lowering drug for COVID-19. Metformin is an old drug and the first line therapy for diabetes management. [...] The literature supports the notion that patients on metformin do better than those on other diabetes medications. [...] It remains possible that patients on metformin show better outcomes not because of the beneficial effects of metformin, but because their underlying dysregulation of glucose metabolism is less severe."

"The strong link between COVID-19 severity and diabetes and obesity has led to consideration of nutritional interventions in the treatment of the disease, as for example the use of low-carbohydrate diets or ketogenic diet (low-carb, high fat diet) The basic principle is to diminish the intake of carbohydrates, providing fat instead of carbohydrates for the body to switch on ketosis and produce ketones as the primary energy source. [...]  It is contra-indicated for some groups such as those with type 1 DM."


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