The dirty trick Democorps played on progressives

Recall that the Democorps agreed to vote for the House Build Back Better (BBB) if the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said it wouldn't raise the deficit and was fully funded. It turns out that those Democorps had a dirty deal with the CBO to sabotage that process. Sirota:

"The CBO just said that when calculating the net cost of the BBB, it will not include its own projections of massive savings that would be generated by strengthening tax enforcement to collect hundreds of billions of dollars of levies that go unpaid by the wealthiest sliver of the population."

This despite the CBO's own analysis that giving the IRS $80 billion for enforcement would create $200 billion in revenue. And that increase is the largest amount in BBB. The crooked CBO report will also exclude the savings from the Bill's environmental programs. Excluding both savings will tilt their analysis toward proving the Bill will increase the deficit and not be fully funded, thereby providing the Democorps fake justification for tanking it.

So why did the progressives fall for the Democorps hallow promises yet again, especially when they were warned of exactly this happening? Why do they keep falling for the typical dirty tricks of their own Party to defeat their agenda, meaning we the people's agenda in favor of corporations and the wealthy? 

Because they are good, well-meaning people who give others the benefit of the doubt. But it's to the point where they are being abused so that it's a seriously ill martyr complex, harming not only them but us. And they have to wake up and realize that in order to help we the people they have to play hardball back against not only the Repugnacons but their own Party. If not democracy continues to be eaten away, just like it did again in this despicable BBB deception.

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