Senate Rule 19 continued

The catch follows, which will require a lot of work and commitment from Dem Senators and the Presiding Officer. To date we haven't seen much of that. But Biden and Schumer are talking big so let's see if they'll put their commitment where their mouths are. Let's hound them repeatedly to do what is necessary to defend democracy. It's already in the Senate Rules so they have the means to do it. Force them to have the will.

"James Wallner, a former Senate Republican aide and expert on Senate procedure, says that Democrats could pass voting rights legislation with a simple-majority vote if they’re willing to put up with a lengthy battle on the floor. [...] 'The question is are they determined to prevail, and this is where you basically get into a resolve fight.' [...] 'This requires a more aggressive presiding officer.' [...] 'It will have to be affirmatively sought by the presiding officer.' [...] 'This requires a lot of energy expended by senators. The majority is going to have to keep pushing this. The majority leader is going to want to devote the floor time to doing this, and the recent Senate has not shown the willingness to put in long weeks, let alone long extended periods of debate.' [...] Wallner, the former Senate Republican aide, says these problems can be overcome if Democrats have enough energy and discipline to repeatedly vote down Republican motions." 

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