Hartmann: Why conservatives believe lies

They are 8.5 times more likely to believe fake news, meaning lies. As many as half believe Twitler won the election. Many don't believe the science on COVID. Why?

The tend to be authoritarian followers, that is, per Lakoff they are programmed by a strict father morality. This diminishes the complexity of life and allows the father figure to provide comfort and safety. But it also disposes them to believe whatever father tells them. As we can see from Twit and the Repugnacon Party, they are fed and believe outright lies.

Another aspect is that the conservative worldview is programmed by the propaganda of libertarian rugged individualism. It' all about me and my freedom to do whatever I want regardless of the social cost. This of course makes them susceptible to the corporate advertising that feeds them this image that they are the most important person in the world. Another aspect is this individuality is extended to the corporation as people, which wants no limits on what it can do, again regardless of the cost to society. 

On top of all that we have laws that protect the lies of corporations and bad actors under the guise of 'free speech.' It is hardly free, since they spend $millions filling the airways and social media with their programmed lies and manipulation. They control their audience for their own benefit while continuing to fill up their minds with the false belief that they are deciding for themselves what is real. 

While Hartmann doesn't recommend this, we must thwart their propaganda campaign by sharing the facts and the truth via social media. And we must do it with framing techniques that shape that truth in an overall value-laden, emotion-filled narrative, so learn how to do that.* And we must do it in the millions, so whenever you see such stories and memes in social media share it with your friends and friends of friends. We must get out of our own isolated individualism and concerns and work together to combat the lies and hate if we ever hope to defeat them.

* https://framelab.substack.com/

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