How did I get here?

An issue that came up for me today was the discussion of how someone almost got his ass kicked by a street guy because he didn't recognize that mind-set.
Which for me in my current development deals with going back to my earlier street life in the working class. I didn't become an intellectual until much later in life, going back and getting my college degree at age 40. Subsequently not long afterward I got entranced in the integral movement and stage theory.
But talking with my working class friends all they could see in that intellectual stuff was exactly the problem with elite political leaders. They were more educated, more complex, and certainly into social engineering. They knew what was best for the working class. Which basically boiled down to just do your shit job, that's your place in this hierarchy, let the big decisions about society up to us since we know way better than you.
It turned out in 2016 that was a huge reason why the working class, even some former Obama supporters, voted for Trump. That political elitism had only served to further degrade working class lives to the point of struggling with more than one job by both parents just to make ends meet.
Hence in the last few years I've returned to my street smarts and street language and tactics in the hopes of reaching my working class roots. They are the class of people who decide elections and who gets elected, who then get to decide what political policy is enacted by and for whom. Coming from that context I know how they talk, how they feel, and how to communicate with them. And it certainly ain't trying to sell them some developmental model which is just more of the same shit that they detest.
The likes of Bernie and AOC and their progressive contingent are who we need to elect more of so that they control government. They are the ones who truly understand the working class and workers respond to that genuine authenticity. They see right though all of that elite complexity of the upper class which is all smoke and mirrors to enrich themselves at our expense. Bernie and AOC speak TO us from that context, not AT us like animals who need to stay in their fenced yard.
Hence some in meta-integral circle-jerks can only see my strategy as a developmental regression. Whereas I see it much more as working with a particular demographic in a particular context to achieve a specific result: To motivate the working class to vote and once again have faith that government can be their friend and help their lives instead of hurting it. And that takes knowing where they come from, from someone who has also come from that time and place, who speaks their language and intimately knows their pain.
Fuckin' A right, henna?


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Songs, lyrics, poems

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