Who is behind the curtain?

Recall in Wizard of Oz it was a man behind the curtain manipulating an image to control others. Same difference in the loan forgiveness issue. The crapitalistic wizard wants you to believe that it's just irresponsible people who renege on their commitment. However what's happening behind the curtain is that it's a predatory loan industry that compounds interest so that you are paying back far more than you ever borrowed, oft times double or more.

Where Oz, when confronted, helped those who exposed him, crapitalism refuses to acknowledge its corrupt business model. They keep framing it in a way that perpetuates a system that keeps us in debt and servitude. In this analogy they are an evil wizard more akin to the Wicked Witch of the West rather than a wise and beneficent helper of humanity. If effect it is our job to listen to Toto and pull back the curtain exposing this corruption. And instead inculcate the values of fairness, justice and our common humanity.


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Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

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