Not all middles are the same

In this video I discuss the 'middle way' of balance. That expression can be confusing because corporate media is always trying to create a false equivalence between the political left and right. They frame the extremes of both ends--progressives and MAGAts-- against each other as if there is some reasonable middle or center between those views.

Our language contributes to this confusion. We have a left side and a right side to our bodies where balance requires coordination of mutually entailing compliments. But not all middles are the same. For example, consider health and disease. The middle between them is still partially diseased. Same with democracy and fascism. One is a healthy balance and one is severely sick.

Therefore we need to distinguish between healthy balance and sick imbalance. Only the former entails the middle of legitimate compliments whereas the latter does not. Progressives and MAGAts are not equal compliments. The former is healthy balance, the latter is some seriously sick shit.

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Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

Here are about a dozen songs I've recorded at YouTube.* And this link is to my lyrics and poems folder at Google docs, mostly from my ...