The House progressives who voted against the hostage deal

38 members of the Progressive Caucus voted against it (listed here). Makes me wonder how the others in their caucus even got admitted into it. While Biden is getting credit for averting a financial disaster caused by the Repugnantcons, what he had to give up to the terrorists is being overlooked by the Party propaganda apparently fine with the results. Tlaib, Chair of the Caucus, said:

"I cannot vote for a bill that guts key environmental protections and greenlights dirty fossil fuel projects for corporate polluters who are poisoning our communities, pushes our residents deeper into poverty by implementing cruel and ineffective work requirements for our low-income neighbors who rely on SNAP and TANF for food and housing, terminates the student loan payment pause, and slashes IRS funding to make it easier for the rich to cheat on their taxes. We cannot continue to capitulate to a far-right Republican Party and their extreme demands while they inflict policy violence on working-class people, gut our bedrock environmental protections, and decimate our planet."


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Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

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