Scatton: Comparing our values

Her powerful words give us an example of how to frame the situation:

"This is Donald Trump’s court. It is illegitimate, anti-American, anti-Constitution and pro-corporate greed. The Republican-appointed majority has robbed the American people of their inherent power and rights. The Trump Court has placed Presidents into a separate class where they are immune from accountability for their actions, a special privilege not found in the Constitution and openly opposed by our founding fathers. This Trump Court has given global corporations new legal tools to tear down the rules that protect the American people from the physical and economic harm that they themselves cause.

"Democrats and President Biden believe in a Supreme Court that serves the American people and upholds the Constitution. We believe that ultimate authority lies in the American people themselves. We believe that the freedom and equality of the American people takes priority over liberating our leaders from the constraints of moral conscience. We believe that the well-being of the American people and the survival of the human race take priority over the amassing of obscene wealth.

"We believe in fairness and responsibility. We believe that everyone must be treated equally before the law and that no-one is above the law. We believe that we should all be held responsible for how our actions impact others. We believe in telling the truth. Democrat-appointed Justices Sotomayor, Kagan and Brown Jackson have shown the American people how honorable Supreme Court Justice should behave.

"We have a choice. If we elect Republicans, we will get more Supreme Court and federal judges who will rule for unchecked corporate and political power and against the American people. If we elect more Democrats, we will get more Supreme Court and federal judges who will respect and uphold the law and make the freedom, rights, and well-being of the American people their highest priority.

"The choice could not be more clear."

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