Taxing corporations very popular

Following up on this post, Rising discusses a new poll showing approval of Biden's infrastructure plan. But when the same poll was taken after informing respondents that it would increase the corporate tax rate, approval shot up to 52%. So Biden's team are encouraging him to repeatedly highlight this aspect of the plan: It will raise the corporate tax rate.  

They also discusses how the likes of Manchin might veto the plan because the the tax hike. Which reinforces how Biden should use his bully pulpit to campaign against Manchin in W.VA because Manchin's own constituency also agree with raising the corporate tax rate. Biden and Dems must fiercely engage this campaign against Manchin to expose him for who he is and who he really represents, and it ain't the people of W.VA. It's a winning strategy that will force Manchin to come around on the filibuster too when enormous pressure is applied in his State.

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Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

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