Hartmann: When will Charlie Brown Dems learn?

That the Lucy Repugs will just keep moving the football? Thom brings up the infrastructure bill. The Repugs make a counter offer and the Dems say ok, let's consider it in the name of bi-partisanship. And the Dems don't know yet that it's just a stalling tactic? That when the Dems come back with concessions the Repugs will move the football yet again? Don't they understand that the Repugs will never actually agree to anything? And that their ultimate goal is to defeat anything they propose? WTF is wrong with Dems and Biden?

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Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

Here are about a dozen songs I've recorded at YouTube.* And this link is to my lyrics and poems folder at Google docs, mostly from my ...