Ball challenges Bernie

In this clip Krystal asks Bernie why Biden is not doing everything in his power to end the filibuster. Unfortunately Bernie gives the tired excuse that you don't know what goes on behind closed doors. We don't need to because we see the results: The filibuster is still there so whatever Biden is doing behind those doors isn't working. 

Krystal then hits Bernie with something he cannot deny. Bernie, while campaigning, said that he'd fight for ending the filibuster by going to for example Manchin's State and campaigning there hard for it. She asks why Biden is not doing it and Bernie has to sort of agree that maybe he should. But he's not. He's not even agreeing that the filibuster should go.

I know Bernie has to now be more diplomatic to keep on the good side of Biden and his fellow Senators if he wants to get their support on Bills like the bi-partisan infrastructure Bill. But recall Bernie claimed he'd filibuster that Bill himself if a companion infrastructure Bill doesn't also pass via reconciliation, one that puts back in all the stuff Repugs took out of the stripped down version. And apparently that was an empty threat and the opposition knew it.

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Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

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