FDA panel approves Omicron booster

Unfortunately Omicron continues to mutate, now in it's 4th and 5th more transmissible iterations. BA.4 and BA.5 are substantially more resistant to current boosters causing more breakthrough infections. They're also more likely to make you sick and are more resistant to treatments. 

Given these statistics it is insane that the US is proceeding like it's over by removing mask and social distancing recommendations in public. Especially given the number of breakthrough cases. NM used to track them but when over 60% of new cases were breakthroughs, with a growing percentage of hospitalizations and deaths too, they quit doing it. Seems the strategy is to hide our heads in the sand and ignore the medical facts now. That in itself is a devastating mental illness infecting our land, which continues to spread COVID and sicken and kill our loved ones.

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Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

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