But what about fascism?

Continuing the last post, that is always the refrain from establishment Dems. Well at least we're not as bad as those Republican fascists who want to destroy democracy. Which is on the surface true but it's a false choice. What those Dems don't tell you is that the sort of neo-liberal oligarchy of which they are bribed stooges is exactly what sets up the preconditions for fascism to take over. 

They rig the system for corporations and the rich which inevitably screws the working class. And we workers can plainly see the system is rigged against us so we want change. Because we are so downtrodden we are much more susceptible to a fascist demagogue who promises us that he's not part of that swamp and will dismantle it. 

It's how we got Trump in the first place. When we eventually realized that he is nothing but a Big Liar and literally staged a coup to remain in power enough of us woke up and voted him out. It was pretty much the same dynamic in the mid-terms, since the Repug Party had gone full fascist. And yet here we are again, our choice full-fascism or to return to the corrupt conditions that led to it in the first place.

Since the system isn't going to change much with Jeffries taking over Dem leadership it's up to us to vote out the old guard in '24. All of them up for re-election. And continue to do so until they're all gone. We can no longer be manipulated that 'blue no matter who' is sufficient to fight fascism. We must choose progressives over incumbent Dems like Jeffries until we have the majority in the Party. Only then will we see such a majority run our country and neo-liberalism is itself defeated, thereby eliminating the looming threat of fascism. Only then will we have a true democracy of we the people.

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Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

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