Why Democrats lose and how they can fix it

This from The Real News Network is nothing new. Yes they need to keep after TrumPutin but not depend entirely on opposition. They also need to play offense by helping people with genuine progressive policies. And quit sucking the teat of corporate payoffs. The more you actually help the working class the more they will help you with a multitude of small donations that can replace those big corporate bribes. Bernie and AOC are proof of this fact.

The problem is, Democratic Party leaders have been told this repeatedly.* They are either in blind denial or know it's true and just don't care. In any case those leaders need to be replaced to follow the simple and effective wisdom above. 

And therein lies the problem. It's as if the leaders are quite happy with the status quo payoffs regardless of its effect on the working class. Since we can see that plain as day we gave up on them because they gave up on us.

* For example Politics Girl, Bernie and Robert Reich.


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Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

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