FEC Commissioner calls Twit a liar

Well, indirectly at least. Twit lied that it's illegal to count ballots after Nov. 3. Ellen Weintraub, an election attorney and a Democratic commissioner at the Federal Election Commission, responded with the truth:

"An election is not a reality show with a big reveal at the end. All we get on Election Night are projections from TV networks. We *never* have official results on Election Night. Counting ballots – all of 'em – is the appropriate, proper, and very legal way to determine who won."


Who said the Repugnantans don't have a platform?

They just don't admit it because they know no one wants it. But that's exactly what it is. Hence they hide behind lying spin to manipulate the vulnerable and the oppressed.

Stanford research paper: Twit rallies are super spreaders

Confirming the obvious: "Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research focused on 18 events between June 20 and Sept. 22 and tracked community spread of the coronavirus up to 10 weeks after the rallies. [...] The rallies resulted in more than 30,000 new confirmed coronavirus cases and more than 700 deaths."


Twit's war with Fauci

It's consistent with his war on science, facts, reality and all those who defend it. Fascists always at first shun the scientists, the media, the intelligentsia. If he's re-elected we can imagine what he'll do to them then based on the history of fascism.


Want to scare the crap out of Repugnantans for Halloween?

Wear this costume.

AOC: We're not good enough right now

In this article she notes that we must do more than defeat Twit: we must forego incrementalism and implement progressive policies that make a real difference in our lives. And right now the Dem Party is not there; "we have to be better." If not then "there are plenty of [Twitlers] in waiting."

Former Republican Schmidt agrees with Hartmann

In this post.


Jon Batiste - Kamala

His musical tribute to her.


Sheryl Crow - Woman in the White House

That be you Kamala.

It doesn't make sense

Why Twitiots like it.

GA Senator Perdue pulls out of 3rd debate with Ossoff

After Ossoff kicked his ass in the 2nd debate. Ossoff exposes Perdue for exactly what he is: A paid lackey for insurance companies at the expense of people's lives and health.

Sam Smith: Diamonds

As performed on The Late Show last night. It might become the latest west coast swing dance song except that the Intro is over 20 seconds before there is any beat by snapping fingers, and 40 seconds before the music begins with the drum beat. DJs for dancers might have to cut the first 40 seconds. That is, if we ever get to social dance again.

1956 Republican Party platform

During Eisenhower's Presidency. See how far the Party has degenerated.

Hartmann: Repug Party is an organized gang of sociopaths

Note that he's not saying that about conservatives generally, or healthy conservative values. He is though making the case that the Repugnantan Party has turned sociopathic. Again, not conservative people who have been conned with lies and who are manipulated as props to support the Party, which is the only use the Party now has for them.

Hartmann thinks it began in the Party in 1980 when it was embedded in their policy positions as well as being a criteria for being elected. It was all about further enriching the already rich and to hell with the rest of us. One expression of this was to drown the government in a bathtub along with any program that gave the working class a helping hand up. Of course unions had to be destroyed because they could not have the working class bargaining for reasonable protections and wages; instead they must be enslaved or die. They lied us into wars that killed hundreds of thousands in order to make a profit. They support industries that kill us or endanger our health and that of the environment. Our very lives and health are disposable in a pandemic response that only cares about the bottom line of business. They throw people off much need assistance to survive when millions are unemployed through no fault of their own. Hartmann provides many examples.

Twitler is just the end result of their long history of sociopathy. That's why Republicans are leaving the Party in droves and supporting Biden with whom they disagree on nearly every policy issue. They want their Party back to again represent the human decency and social concern it used to. A Party that used to engage in respectful debate with its opposition, that could negotiate and compromise for the benefit of we the people. They recognize that their Party has been taken over by the sociopaths and hate it as much as every other decent human being. Their Party has abandoned them and they want it back.

Dr. Bandy Lee: Twit is "a mass killer"

"It is therefore no exaggeration to say that we have a mass killer and killer in chief for President."  He is unfit for office and a danger to society.


Colbert: Elsa was stranded at Twit's Nebraska rally

Twit brought in a bunch of people for the rally but left them stranded in the freezing cold with no ride back. Yeah, Twit was atrocious in this act. But Colbert mocks him by having Elsa from Frozen sing a satire.

Blight House pushing herd immunity

According to this story Twit is willing to commit far worse genocide (than he's already done) instead of handling the pandemic responsibly. That's what he thinks of our lives and health.

"Three officials in President Donald Trump's White House said the administration, despite publicly denying it, is actually pushing for a herd immunity strategy to the COVID-19 pandemic, although it could kill thousands of Americans unnecessarily."


Twit and Putin: The greatest love story ever told

Accurate ad by Meidas Touch using Twit's own words. More like how Putin has manipulated the witless Twit.

Reich: Twitler and Tushner's pandemic response

In his FB post Reich discusses the Tush's comments about "getting the country back from the doctors." Twit and Tush's only concern was re-opening the economy at any cost, and that included many human lives and the health devastation of many more. Reich rightly concludes:

"Kushner and his father-in-law never cared about containing the virus and they never cared about preventing mass death. Their only concern, from the beginning, was boosting Trump’s reelection chances. Every single aspect of their botched response — which has led to nearly 230,000 dead Americans — is because they sought to protect Trump’s political prospects, not the health and safety of the American people. It couldn’t be clearer: They do not care about you, or your family, or your loved ones. They only care about themselves. Six days to vote them out."


One of the best memes of 2020


Sanders, Klobuchar issue statement on voting

They correct the intentional misinformation that both Twit and Kavanaugh have propagated.


Integral Stage: Meta-Models - Hier(an)archical synplexity

Here’s the outline paper introducing the ideas discussed in the recent Integral Stage: Meta-Models video below. The blurb:

"For the second episode of META-MODELS, we are joined by the postmetaphysical and progressive political thinker, Edward Berge, to discuss his meta- and infra-theoretical model, which he calls hier(an)archical synplexity. Metatheory is that which juxtaposes, organizes, and integrates theories. Hier(an)archical synplexity accomplishes this via its principles of same/difference and the tensegrity that separates yet connects in the overlapping boundary spaces within and between a plurality of complementary yet self-contained theories. Edward's fascinating approach draws equally from postmetaphysical philosophy, embodied cognitive science, cognitive linguistics, Middle Way Buddhist logic, and the principles of dance and t'ai chi. In the first part of the conversation, they circulate around some of the finer theoretical points of his model, and then Edward brings the discussion home, and down to earth, with a grounding of these principles in politics, dance, and the martial arts."

Bared Tushner's motivational secrets for black Americans

Colbert's funny satire on the Tush's absurd recent statements about blacks.

Reich: Kavanaugh's concurring opinion signals Corp's intention

That intention being to decide the 2020 election just like they did in 2000. Reich's FB post discusses Kavanaugh's opinion in the Wisconsin case that ruled absentee ballots must be received by 8 pm election day or they are thrown out. That in itself is a clear signal that the Corp doesn't give a shit about voters, but Kavanaugh went much further in citing Rehnquist's concurring 2000 opinion installing Bush. "The opinion essentially asserts that the Supreme Court has the power to overrule state courts on matters of state law." 

Hence if State courts declare that the popular vote winner gets that State's electors, the Supreme Corp. can overrule it. And we already know some Repugnantan States are planning to do just that and overturn the people's popular vote. We have here Kavanaugh's clear intention to go that way not only if but when the election results are challenged. And Phoney Parrot was installed just for this purpose, to do the same and prevent even Roberts from stopping it. Then the American democratic experiment is over.

Keep in mind that Roberts, Kavanaugh and Phony Parrot as lawyers all worked to support the Corp's 2000 decision.


Repugnantans hate democracy

And love oligarchy and fascism. The proof? They are trying to suppress voting in several States with the Supreme Corp's backing. And that was the rush to get Phoney Parrot on the Corp: Repugs will challenge the election results and the Corp. will back them over the people's votes. If they succeed say good-bye to democracy for the foreseeable future. According to the NYT The Morning:

Pennsylvania: The state’s highest court has ruled that election officials should count mailed ballots that arrive up to three days after Election Day. Pennsylvania Republicans are trying to get the Supreme Court to reverse the order, so that only ballots received by Election Day will count. 

North Carolina: Republicans and the Trump campaign have asked the Supreme Court to block the state’s board of elections from extending the deadline to receive mail ballots. The board has said ballots can arrive until Nov. 12, as long as they were mailed by Election Day. 

Wisconsin: The five Republican-appointed justices on the Supreme Court sided on Monday with Republican officials in Wisconsin, ruling that ballots must arrive by 8 p.m. on Election Day to count. (A lower-court ruling would have allowed state officials to count any mailed ballots postmarked by Election Day and received up to six days later.) In response, the state’s Democratic Party is urging voters to return mail ballots in person — to a drop box or clerk’s office — rather than mailing them. 

Nevada: The Trump campaign has sued to stop the counting of absentee ballots in the Las Vegas area, evidently hoping to challenge the signatures on many ballots. Last night, the campaign and Nevada Republican Party filed a separate lawsuit, seeking detailed information on the vote-counting process. 

Texas: The state’s top court yesterday upheld a policy announced by Greg Abbott, the Republican governor, which limits each county to a single drop-off box for mailed ballots. The state’s largest county — Harris, which includes Houston — is home to 4.7 million people.

Michigan: A conservative judge yesterday overturned an order by Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, and ruled that people could carry unconcealed guns at polling places on Election Day.


Science Direct: Visions of future systems and how to get there

The abstract follows from Fazey et al. in Energy Research and Social Science Journal (Vol 7, Dec. 2020). I wonder how well the integral community and metamodernists take this statement in light of their typically town-down, insular and elite dominated meta(sta)sizing: "Findings suggest that envisioned future systems will need to be much more collaborative, open, diverse, egalitarian."

"Formalised knowledge systems, including universities and research institutes, are important for contemporary societies. They are, however, also arguably failing humanity when their impact is measured against the level of progress being made in stimulating the societal changes needed to address challenges like climate change. In this research we used a novel futures-oriented and participatory approach that asked what future envisioned knowledge systems might need to look like and how we might get there. Findings suggest that envisioned future systems will need to be much more collaborative, open, diverse, egalitarian, and able to work with values and systemic issues. They will also need to go beyond producing knowledge about our world to generating wisdom about how to act within it. To get to envisioned systems we will need to rapidly scale methodological innovations, connect innovators, and creatively accelerate learning about working with intractable challenges. We will also need to create new funding schemes, a global knowledge commons, and challenge deeply held assumptions. To genuinely be a creative force in supporting longevity of human and non-human life on our planet, the shift in knowledge systems will probably need to be at the scale of the enlightenment and speed of the scientific and technological revolution accompanying the second World War. This will require bold and strategic action from governments, scientists, civic society and sustained transformational intent."


Twitler IS our crisis

And we must vote him out.

AOC: Dems haven't had the stones to play hardball

You tell 'em AOC! Her Tweet below responding to the Repugs confirming Phoney Parrot. She's right: The establishment Dems have for far too long surrendered like weaklings to Repug corruption. It's time to play hardball and expand the Corp. Let's see if the Dems have the stones now.

Electoral warfare

Some have complained that I engage in some of Twit's own tactics and that it's unseemly. They want me to just use logic and calm reason, make the arguments against him and for Joe. But that belies the underlying reason Twit won; a majority of hard working, uneducated Americans do not trust that sort of elite framing and rhetoric. 
They have good reason to distrust the educated elite, as even before Twit they were wrong time and again on helping the working class. To the contrary, the working class was so tired of getting the raw end of the deal they wanted anyone who challenged the elite status quo.
Hence Twit's rancid rhetoric had a sufficient effect in winning the election and he could very well do it again. We progressives need to understand though how to frame not only arguments but how to engage in electoral warfare and use the tactics proven most effective. I attempt to do that to reach the uneducated workers who want more than just more of the same elite rationales that have failed them so badly. They are the ones who decide elections.
Beat that Twit! Beat that Twit!

And if you believe that one by Phoney Parrot

Then you must be a Twitiot.

AOC snaps Twit yet again

You'd think Twit would learn by now that he's no Twitter match for AOC. But as we well know, Twit is incapable of learning so we are continually delighted by AOC trouncing him time and again. This time she responds to yet another of his impotent insults about her education.

Let a meta di(syn)tegrate

Here's an interview with a couple of artists involved in the Metamodern Art Festival in Kiev. A common theme about the definition of metamodernism is a return to an overall meta-narrative, that is, a story that provides meaning to all aspects of life, that grounds our beliefs in something beyond our individual selves. They also note that in times of cultural stress we are more likely to see visions of helpers from some beyond, like angels and fairies in times past, and now in a more technological society UFOs. So I'm wondering if this attraction to metamodernism's own meta-narrative is exactly one of those beyonds to/for which we are seeking aid in this troubled time? It's almost as if the system of metamodernism itself is the next deus ex machina.

Whereas something else Alexandra said seems a more likely candidate for the next metanarrative, the collaborative commons, which has no need of a beyond to save us, for it comes from we the people saving ourselves. She said:

"Since the revolution in 2014 normal people have become politically active and don’t rely on the government like they did before. Instead of waiting for the Government to come and fix things they are doing what they need for themselves, cooperating and collaborating without any command. They have realised that they have the power to create their own country. Before, it was kind of detached because everything was in the power of oligarchs and criminals. Now the situation is changing and although people realise that it won’t happen overnight they think that maybe we can achieve a better social and economic situation if we work for it. People are starting to feel like they are part of this grand narrative, part of history."

Metanarratives yes. A command and control one that must define itself as the next one saving us all, maybe not so much. It's the same theme as my "Do our models get in the way" post.

Continuing this post, even the prefix meta in the context of metamodernism (MM) means above and beyond, like into the wild blue yonder. It's a subject that analyzes another subject from a higher, more abstract level, transcending it. It's another version of the transcend and include metaphor, subsuming its lower subject within its matrix, lording over it from above. It's very consistent with the notions above about a savior from on high.

Then there's the suffix ism meaning a doctrine, theory or system. MM is a system that is beyond and above the modern system, including but transcending it. So I'm wondering if we are really to go to the metaphorical next level, so to speak, if we really need to step outside of these frames of doctrines that save us from above and beyond like the deus ex machina, itself a worldview holdover from both the religious and modern worldviews? Even the MM (and integral) buzzwords hierarchy and complexity mean rule from an abstract above and beyond.

It's one reason I prefer the prefix syn, meaning with or together, and its corollary syntegral, more akin with the collaborative commons. It shows how together we commoners enact a way of thinking, being and doing without need of metaisms. It too is a metanarrative in the sense of an overall, cohering story, but one that synscends, blends, braids its various elements, creating a different sort of part/whole inter(en)action, a new and hybrid flavor, one that comes from our shared commons instead of a savior elite above and beyond us. The era of the deus ex machina is over. It's time for new expressions compatible with the emerging story. The era of hier(an)archical synplexity has arrived. And it lives in the relational tensegrity between its twin stars Syn City and Multipli City.


Study: Wearing masks cut the infection rate in half

According to the University of Kansas study, yet Twit and his Twitiots still blithely don't wear them and super spread the pandemic. And that reduction is by those who wear them; most of the other half of transmissions are caused by those who do not (my take).

"A new study by economists at the University of Kansas has found that counties in the state where residents are obliged to wear masks in public have seen about half as many new coronavirus infections as counties that do not have a mask mandate in force. The study by the university’s Institute for Policy & Social Research is part of a countrywide trend, experts said. Localities that impose mask mandates often see fewer cases, fewer hospitalizations, fewer deaths or lower test-positivity rates than nearby localities that do not. The same trend has been seen in Alabama, Kansas, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas, according to a report from Prevent Pandemics, a nonprofit group advocating pandemic-fighting measures."


ACLU releases GA voter purge list of ~200,000

They released the list of purged voters that Greg Palast compiled from various sources. The majority purged are young, low income and minorities, that is, those who typically vote for Democrats. This is what Repugnantans do, the lying, cheating, stealing bastards.


Twit projects again

He always blames someone else for what he's already done.


538 election updates

Biden now has an 87% chance of winning. The Dems have a 74% chance of controlling the Senate. Some key Senate races: Greenfield has a 56% chance of beating Ernst in IA; Cunningham has a 64% chance of beating Tillis in NC; Gideon has a 63% chance of beating Collins in ME; Kelly has a 78% chance of being McSally in AZ; a Dem has a 55% chance of beating a Rep in a GA special election.

Sheryl Crow: Wouldn't want to be like you/The na na song

More of her new music with social commentary. The first song is about the sickness and costs of greed (lyrics here). Then there's a delicious rock interlude between the two songs. The second is a pastiche on the chaos of contemporary life (lyrics here). Both songs use some rap, the second one more. That they recorded this via video conference in separate locations make it all the more impressive. Sheryl has been one of my musical muses for decades and remains so.

Maher: New words for 2020

His team come up with some neologisms for this crazy year.


It's not like he will but it needed to be said

The only way we'll stop it is to vote him out in such massive numbers that are impossible to ignore or rig. Vote!

Bernie: "We are not going back to business as usual"

His personal message to the establishment of the Dem Party. Bernie reiterates he'll introduce his 100-day plan immediately when Biden takes over. And we the people need to get behind it and pressure our reps to implement it. Bernie feels confident that with overwhelming public support we can get it done.

Postal Service awards $5 million contract to DeBoy's former company

The PostBastard was put there exactly to feed the corrupt swamp and destroy a public service. From this piece:

"The U.S. Postal Service last month quietly awarded a $5 million contract to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s former company XPO Logistics, raising fresh allegations of unethical activity by the Trump megadonor as he continues to come under fire for causing nationwide mail delays that could impact next month’s election."

Even though Dems and ethics groups finally got him to recently divest from XPO, the company "still pays DeJoy about $2.3 million a year in rent and expenses for 220,000 square feet of office space he controls in his home state of North Carolina. XPO’s lease agreements for DeJoy’s properties run through 2025."


Over 70 climate scientists and journalists say NO to Phoney Parrot

Not that those most familiar with climate science have any sway with Twit and the corrupt Repugnantan Party. Their only concern is protecting and enriching the fossil fuel companies that pay bribes to them. From this article reporting the letter of the above signed:

"At the moment when the facts of the case were presented to her, this arbiter of justice freely chose to side with mistruths. Judge Coney Barrett’s responses are factually inaccurate, scientifically unsound, and dangerous. How can Judge Coney Barrett rule on pending issues of climate change liability, regulation, finance, mitigation, equity, justice, and accountability if she fails to accept even the underlying premise of global warming? The answer is that she cannot. [...] Judge Coney Barrett has displayed a profound inability to understand the ecological crisis of our times, and in so doing she enables it."


Maher: Voter suppression is a Repugnantan thing

Because they know the majority will vote against them and for the Dems. Hence, they devise numerous ways to cheat. And apparently they are proud of that fact, as they do in up front for everyone to see.

SNL: The final debate

We are fortunate to have some comic relief in these times of chaos. Enjoy a laugh or two.


Chris Hedges: American Psychosis

In this video Hedges discusses how the US has an unconscious collective illness. It's one that is fed by the oligarchs creating an illusion that prevents us from accepting the reality of our situation. And that illusion is the cult of individualism. We are taught to see our problems as our own rather than structural social problems intentionally created to enslave us. Instead of addressing that latter we seek out personal hedonism to cover the hellish truth. And when we are so oppressed the irony is that we turn to demagogues like Twit who only further enslave us.

As a foreign correspondent Hedges has seen totalitarianism and he sees it growing in our midst. We must wake up from our manufactured consent.  Even though this was filmed in '18 it resonates even more today, as we are fighting back with our prolonged protests for black lives etc. And it is no wonder that our fascist government is adamant at quelling our activism with force. We must keep up the fight or we could very well descend all the way down that dark road.


Bernie as Sec. of Labor

According to this report he's very interested in the job. Imagine that: A guy who has being a staunch supporter of labor his entire career actually getting that post. We can see a higher national minimum wage, better benefits and safety regulations, and a once again fairer distribution of wealth building a strong middle class that in turn runs the economy. This is exactly what happens when we follow Bernie's mature strategy of trying to change the system from within, which is exactly what he and others like The Squad and Progressive Caucus are doing.

Bernie: Unfettered crapitalism is the problem

And we need to fetter it. Doing so is not some demonized notion of what the Repugs label socialist; it is merely accepting capitalism but limiting its excesses and injustices. The sort of social democracy that Bernie supports is exactly that. That the Repugs want to taint the word really means they want the current version of corporate crapitalism to continue its greed and power in order to reward them for their complicity. It is completely corrupt, just the way they like it.

Note that the countries that have instituted social democracy are always at the top of the World Happiness Report and the US is not. Corporate crapitalism and social democracy are key factors in that analysis. 


More than 700 economists reject Twitler

Seems like a no brainer. Unfortunately we have too many voters without a brain. And our current Blizzard of Oz, hiding behind the curtain of his spray tan and fake hair, ain't helping any. From this piece:

"More than 700 economists, including seven Nobel winners, urged US voters not to reelect President Donald Trump on Election Day.  As of Friday, the open letter, which is being updated until November 3, had been signed by 727 prominent economists from major institutions across America, including the Nobel winners Paul Milgrom, Oliver Hart, and George Akerlof. 'In just one term in office, Donald Trump has rendered the United States unrecognizable, and has faced no consequences for doing so,' the economists wrote, adding that the president had weakened the economic recovery with selfish and reckless behavior.'"


Progressives for Biden: Unity Town Hall

Where the proactive progressives populate.


Twit: Wind power kills all the birds

Yeah, he said it in the last debate. Actually Twit's 'wind' power (flatulence of the mouth) kills all the humans.


Twit's healthcare plan

Pretty much the same as his Covid plan. 

The Patinkin's election ad

I appreciate the irony in their attempt to being calm about it, but even they accept that we really need to get passionate against fascism. Cuz fascism doesn't give a shit about our calm, kind, caring approach; it crushes it. We must fight and fiercely.

The New Systems Reader

Subtitle: Alternatives to a Failed Economy, new book by the Democracy Collaborative. You can order a copy here. From their email blurb:

"This book’s 29 essays contain a rich trove of ideas and examples for a new level of discussion and policy formation that breaks free of stale debates and explores needed deep, systemic changes. And so far there has been an overwhelming demand—proof that this volume is essential reading for everyone interested in cutting-edge thinking about how our society can be reimagined for the common good."


FL rejecting minority mail-in ballots twice as much as whites

This story highlights the rejection rates. The reasons for rejections include signature issues and putting the ballots in the wrong envelopes. However a voter can correct their errors by immediately sending in a "cure affidavit" after their ballot has been rejected. Of course they have to be aware of the rejection, and FL is required to notify the voter "as soon as it is practical." Given that could mean anything, including never, minorities should track their mail-in ballots at either the voter information lookup or the Supervisor of Elections as soon as possible to cure their mistakes. This is good advice for any State, which should have a process to track and fix your ballot.

Sam Elliott's Lincoln Project ad for Biden

Some of us assume Elliott is a Republican, yet here he is doing an ad for Biden. Why the assumption? I don't know. It seems from his commercials that he supports what Republicans like, like cigarettes and beef. I haven't found what his political affiliation is. But even if Republican he is far from the first or last to support Biden over Twit. Yeah, Twit is that bad.

60 Minutes inteviews Lincoln Project members

They would be doing what they're already doing for Biden for Bernie Sanders over Twit. They explain that it has everything to do with Twitler being a fascist dictator (my words). They are defending the democratic norms Twit is destroying, while Biden and Sanders will maintain them.

They go together like PB&J

Had to share this one.

Reich: Supreme Corp upholds AL voter suppression

The regressive (In)Justices on the Supreme Corp upheld Alabama's ban on curbside voting. The CDC supports it as a preventative to Covid exposure, especially for those most susceptible to its devastating effects. This is especially so since AL does not have a mask mandate. Yes, people can still choose to vote by mail, but we know all the obstructions Twit and Repugs put in place to hinder and eliminate those votes. It is obvious to anyone with even half a brain (a key ingredient apparently missing is some) that Repugs know they cannot win in a fair debate and election and will pull every dirty trick they can to win. Reich said:

"It never ceases to amaze me that a core tenet of an entire political party is making it harder for people to vote.Yesterday the Supreme Court’s five conservative justices sided with Alabama state officials and upheld the state’s ban on curbside voting. Curbside voting, recommended by the CDC, allows voters with disabilities and voters who are more likely to die from COVID-19 to protect their health as they cast their ballot. Alabama does not have a mask mandate, and voting by mail is considerably more difficult than voting in person, especially for voters with disabilities. Earlier rulings found that the state’s ban on curbside voting violated the Americans with Disabilities Act, but the conservative wing of the Supreme Court overturned that ruling and allowed the ban to remain in place — without offering any reasoning why.
"I can’t believe this needs to be said, but nobody should have to put their life at risk in order to cast their ballot. It’s absurd, and frankly terrifying, that these five right-wing justices are so willing to trample on voting access and see nothing wrong with changing the rules less than two weeks before the election. Imagine the havoc a 6-3 majority will wreak on voting rights, and channel your outrage into defeating Trump and flipping the Senate. No other solutions toward restructuring the Court and fixing our democracy can move forward until we take back control."


The Repug healthcare Bill

Given all the complaints about the Supreme Corp eliminating the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with its preexisting conditions coverage, Tillis has come up with a Bill hiding behind a mirage of a name: The Protect Act. What they don't tell you is exactly who the Bill protects: Health insurance companies. Yes, they are making great hay over the fact that it will keep preexisting condition coverage, but it strips many other ACA protections as to make it almost moot. Insurance companies: will once again be able to impose annual and lifetime caps on payments; can sell plans with no limits on out-of-pocket expenses; can charge higher premiums based on non-health factors like age, sex, occupation and lifestyle; restrict coverage for certain medications. Also gone is coverage for essential benefits and subsidies for the needy. Don't fall for their bait and switch.

Senate Dems boycott Judiciary Committee vote

The Repugs voted unanimously without them to move the nomination to a full floor vote.

Krystal interviews Bernie

Bernie looks at the slush fund in the Blight House stimulus Bill, meaning once again they want to funnel most of the money to corporations and the already rich. Plus there is a corporate liability shield so that they can't be sued for forcing their employees to be exposed to Covid. Besides, the House passed the Heroes Act 8 months ago and McConnell is not only stalling on that but refusing to even take up a stimulus before the election.

Krystal asks Bernie about his message to young people, some of whom really don't like Biden (including Krystal). He said that obviously the first order of business is defeating the current fascist in the Blight House, a literal threat to democracy. Aside from that, Bernie highlights that Biden's economic and environment proposals, while not going as far as Bernie's own, are nevertheless pretty good and he provides some of those details.  

Bernie then addresses that progressives can and will be able to move Biden in their direction. He emphasizes that it is not up to Congress alone, that we the people have to get involved by the tens of millions, to not only express but demand that our needs our met. We the people can't just sit around complaining; we have to get passionately involved and politically active.

Bernie will lay out a 100-day agenda for Medicare For All, a $15 dollar/hour minimum wage, a massive infrastructure program and make it easier to join unions and so on. Included in that agenda is making it clear that we are going to fight against the power of corporations and for we the people. And if Democrats won't take up that agenda then yes, Bernie will fight to primary them.

Krystal then brings up that Biden is vetting some pretty conservative people for his Administration. She asks if this troubles him and whether any Bernie supporters are being vetted. He responds that we simply cannot go back to business as usual, which is implied by the question. If we are not bold and aggressive going forward then we are lost. So Bernie and his progressive cohorts are going to do everything in their power to make sure we do what's necessary to implement that agenda. And again, the majority of that impetus is on we the people to do our part to make it so.

AOC on Twitch

She plays 'Among Us' on Twitch, which had one of the highest number of viewers in that platform. And while playing she instructs us on democracy and voting. She is not only one of the few, current representatives of we the people but she, and those like her Squad, are thankfully the future of our government.

Kimmel interviews Borat

If you need a few laughs.


This is what our insane Fuhrer is doing now

We really have to vote this fascist out. From Robert Reich's FB post

"The White House is preparing to cut millions of dollars in funding for crucial services in Democratic-led cities that Trump doesn’t like. After Trump issued an absurd executive order mandating that federal agencies slash funding for cities labeled as “anarchist jurisdictions", Attorney General William Barr designated New York City; Portland, O.R.; and Seattle, W.A. as such and instructed agencies to scrutinize funding for Washington, D.C. as well. Here’s what’s on the chopping block for these cities:
— Nutrition and mental health services for elderly people in New York City
— Funding for Trump’s own HIV initiative in King County, Wash.
— A multimillion-dollar grant for community and migrant health care centers for COVID patients in Multnomah County, Ore.
— Addiction treatment and recovery services in Washington, D.C.
"That’s just the tip of the iceberg. 185 programs, serving populations with the most high-risk conditions, are at risk of being gutted because of Trump’s temper. This kind of political retribution is unethical in normal times; in the midst of a pandemic that continues to rage on, it’s downright cruel. Time and again, Trump has shown no interest in serving the American people — he only serves himself."



Pope Francis favors same-sex civil unions

The Pope makes history yet again with this policy. Strange times indeed when the Pope is more progressive on an issue than the US Supreme Corp. He said:

"Homosexual people have a right to be in a family. They're children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it."


Derek and Hayley's Paso Doble on DWTS

Derek Hough is the new judge on the show. But Monday night we were treated to him performing this sizzling dance with his lover. 

Borat catches Giuliani with his hand down his pants

In the Borat 2 movie he sets up Giuliani with an attractive female interviewer. They make their way to the bedroom where G lays on the bed and puts his hand down his pants. Borat then bursts into the room. This video discussing the story has pictures.

O'Brien interviews Chappelle

It's an old interview but LOL funny, in case you needed a few laughs.

ContraPoints: There's a far bigger issue than getting everything you want


ContraPoints makes the same argument that Chomsky and West have made, but she might also reach the younger crowd better than those geezers. She does it with flair, style and the creative device of arguing with her own inner, liberal push-back against voting for Biden. Fortunately she overcomes that narcissist inside her to do the right thing. She's a good counter to Krystal Ball, who continues to sabotage that argument with her self-indulgent privilege.


Coney Barrett doubles down on climate change denial


Yep, this is who Repugnantans must rush through the approval process. According to Sirota, she continually refuses to answer the simplest question about climate change, instead calling it  "controversial." Not for climate scientists it isn't. She also refuses to say whether she will recuse herself from an upcoming Supreme Corp. case involving Shell Oil, which company her father worked for many years. 

While she continues to claim her personal opinions will not influence her Corp decisions, everyone knows that is bogus. She is being chosen exactly because oil companies and giant corporations know exactly how she'll vote on their agenda, which is why they are investing $millions to get her on the bench. She is going to be a complete nightmare for we the people on issues of labor, deregulation and the environment. Our only hope is to expand the Corp. to 13 Justices.

Morning Joe: Twit is a full blown autocrat

I use the word fascist, but I'll give Joe some credit. Morning Joe Scarborough, a lifelong Republican who has since left the Party, goes on a rant over Repugs who are still voting for Twit.

"We have right now a president of the United States who is demanding that his attorney general arrest the former vice president of the United States, his chief political competitor. This is something that happens or happened in the former Soviet Union, this is something that happens still in Russia. This is not what soft totalitarianism looks like, this is what full blown autocracy looks like, at least if you focus on the actions of the president of the United States, and you’re telling me you’re more concerned about Nancy Pelosi outside of the White House than you are an autocrat inside of the White House?"


Lincoln Project: Republican Michael Steele is voting for Biden

As are an increasing number of sane Republicans. 

US spies: Twitiots susceptible to planted Russian conspiracy theories

Forget reality: Twitiots will buy any conspiracy theory--including and especially Russian--as long as it supports their paranoid delusions. From this story:

"Former spies told Business Insider that Rudy Giuliani's role in coordinating a widely discredited New York Post story and President Donald Trump's willingness to seize on it highlighted how vulnerable they are to being duped by Russian intelligence. [...] The two men's personality traits, their eagerness to obtain dirt on Joe Biden, and their unwillingness to acknowledge Russian interference makes them a gold mine for foreign intelligence services."


Repugs still telling the same lies

Of course it figures; that's all they got.


You don't need to add the word hypocrisy to describe Repugnantan

It's contained in its definition. I'm just plain sick of Repugnantans.


Hartmann: How Repugnantans win

They cheat. It's the only way they can win anymore and they know it. Btw, it was a 4 - 4 vote, Roberts siding with the 3 Dems. That's gone with Coney Barrett and the Repugs know it, again cheating us. So f___ 'em; let's expand the Corp! From Thom's FB post:

"Only an established, legal 'right to vote' can defeat Republican voter suppression. Republican politicians and conservative commentators are shocked, shocked! that Chief Justice John Roberts would say that people who voted before election day in Pennsylvania but their ballots were delayed by Lewis DeJoy’s sabotage of the Post Office should have their vote counted.
"Increasingly, this election is coming down to the simple question of how effective 40 years of concerted Republican voter suppression efforts will be. Their main strategy, particularly since George and Jeb Bush got together in 2000 to use a Texas felon list to purge 90,000 Black people off voting roles in Florida, has been removing the names of people who are legitimate voters. Those people then go to the polls and are given 'provisional ballots' which, in most cases, are only counted if there’s a lawsuit. They think they voted, they tell pollsters they voted, but their votes don’t get counted. Back in 2004, fully 22 states experienced what has now come to be called 'red shift'—where the exit polls are 'wrong' but almost always in a way that benefits Republicans.
"For example, in the 2016 election, the exit polls showed Hillary Clinton carrying Florida by 47.7 percent to Trump’s 46.4 percent, although the 'actual' counted vote had Trump winning by 49.0 percent to 47.8 percent. Trump gained 2.5 percentage points . . . somehow. In North Carolina, exit polls showed Clinton winning 48.6 percent to 46.5 percent, but the votes that were counted turned out with Trump’s 49.9 to Clinton’s 46.1, a red shift of 5.9 percentage points for the GOP. Pennsylvania’s exit polls showed that Clinton won 50.5 percent to Trump’s 46.1 percent, but when 'eligible' votes were counted, Trump carried the state 48.8 percent to Clinton’s 47.6 percent—a red shift of 5.6 percentage points.
In Wisconsin, it was Clinton beating Trump in the exit polls 48.2 percent to 44.3 percent, but the 'real' count put Trump over the top at 48.8 percent to 47.6 percent, a red shift of 5.1 percentage points.
"Just these differences, reflecting thousands of people who showed up, voted, and didn’t realize their votes were never going to be counted because they had been purged from voting rolls prior to the election, handed the White House to Donald Trump.Perhaps even more interesting, in states without a Republican secretary of state, there is virtually no shift at all, either red or blue, and hasn’t been ever. The election results typically comport with the exit polls in blue states.
"While there is a clear contest between Trump and Biden, between Republicans and Democrats across the country, the real contest going on right now is for the legitimacy and accuracy of American elections. Republicans are doing everything they can to keep people from voting, and then, when people do vote, to try to prevent those votes from being counted. When this election is over, if American democracy survives, our first project has to be to establish a firm, irrevocable right to vote for all American citizens."


Songs, lyrics, poems

Songs, lyrics, poems and other writing/media

Here are about a dozen songs I've recorded at YouTube.* And this link is to my lyrics and poems folder at Google docs, mostly from my ...